
Corporate English Course in Mysore

Python Programming is one of the most widely used general purpose language, now Python Programming Courses  is available in Mysore, Skillup academy will help you master the art and science of Coding and assist them for their growth  

About this course

Python is an easy, powerful, and high-level programming language. It is simple and easy to learn. It lets you develop applications faster and integrate systems more effectively.  

We suggest these courses for the people who wish to learn Python without earlier PC programming experience. You may be keen on figuring out how to computerize bookkeeping cycles, or ways of carrying productivity to everyday advertising investigation and information mining.

Key Highlights of the Course

Training form Industry Experts

Blend of Practical's and Theory

Recorded Lessons for on Demand Videos

Offline and Online Program

Our Key Takeaways

close up man writing code laptop min scaled

Why Python ?


Web and Internet Development (Frameworks such as Django, Flask, etc…)


Graphical user interface Development (Tkinter, PyQt)


Scientific and Numeric (Scipy is a collection of packages for maths, science, and Engineering)

6 Hours

Software Development and System Administration (Ansible, OpenStack)

Before you ask!

Yes! You will be certified for this workshop
on submission of your assignment.


Official and verified

​Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects

Official and verified

​Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects

Official and verified

​Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects

Our curriculum

  • Python Overview
  • Sublime Text Installation
  • IDE introduction
  • Logical Operators
  • Inbuilt Keywords
  • Inbuilt Funtion


  • If, if-else construct
  • For loop
  • While loop
  • List
  • Tuple
  • Dictionary
  • Set
  • Function definition
  • keyword arguments , *args, **kwargs
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Lambda
  • Map
  • Filter
  • How to create files
  • How to read files in python
  • Functions available for file reading and writing
  • What is module
  • How to create a module
  • Introduction to inbuilt modules
  • Os module
  • Time module
  • Sys module
  • Logging module
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • How to create class
  • Difference between class and object
  • Introduction to self-variable
  • Class methods and Static Methods
  • Try block
  • Except block
  • Finally
  • Raise keyword
  • Writing user defined exceptions
  • Old way of printing strings
  • f-strings
  • Introduction to yield keyword
  • How to create generator function
  • Why generators are used
  • Introduction to closures
  • What is decorator ?
  • How to create decorators ?
  • Application of decorators
  • Special Methods in python
  • Application of special method
  • RE basics
  • RE special character meanings
  • Introduction to re module
  • How to use re module to extract strings
  • Hands on Session on Projects
  • Q & A session
  • Guess the Number
  • Backup of files
Accordion Content

Get the offer while it lasts!

Certifications to help you

What Else You Get ?

What Else You Get ?

Sample Certificate

Digital Marketing Course in Mysore - certificate

People Say !

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the workshop start?

You can find all the details regarding the workshop dates and timings on the top of the page.

When does the workshop start?

You can find all the details regarding the workshop dates and timings on the top of the page.

When does the workshop start?

You can find all the details regarding the workshop dates and timings on the top of the page.

When does the workshop start?

You can find all the details regarding the workshop dates and timings on the top of the page.

Sign Up and Skill Up


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